How I Lost The Post-Pregnancy Weight (after 4 babes!)

How I Lost The Post-Pregnancy Weight (after 4 babes!)

As a mom of 4, I can tell you that losing the baby weight postpartum never gets easier. Post-pregnancy weight is some of the toughest wait to burn off because there are so many factors going on. Hormone changes, lack of sleep, not being able to workout for 6 weeks, taking care of a all adds up against your favor to lose the pregnancy weight. Eating healthy is really hard when you're exhausted, and prepping healthy meals is just not something that is easy to do while breastfeeding a newborn. I have a great post on some postpartum freezer meals you can make and prep now, to help you with weight loss if you have the time to make up some healthy, milk-boosting freezer meals. I also highly suggest getting a good protein powder, so you can use protein shakes as a one-handed, quick and easy meal replacement that can boost your milk supply and help with sugar cravings. Protein is essential for weight loss. It helps you feel super full, while still helping you burn extra calories. That is why I created Milk Dust, which I will go into later, so you can have a milk-boosting protein shake every day that also helps you with carb and sugar cravings, so you can stay on track with your diet! Navigating your nutrition is the best way to lose the post-pregnancy weight. New mothers need to focus on nutrient-dense foods, which are also very filling and lower calories, and filling up on these is how I was able to lose the baby weight every time. Here is my guide for new mamas to lose the post-pregnancy weight, and all my best tips to help you get back in shape after pregnancy. 

Understanding Post-Pregnancy Weight

I remember standing in front of the mirror, gazing at a body I barely recognized. After giving birth to my bundle of joy, I was left holding onto a bundle of extra weight too. But as I embarked on my journey to shed those extra pounds, I realized understanding the sources of postpartum weight was crucial. It wasn't just about the baby weight; there were other culprits like amniotic fluid, extra blood volume, and not to forget, the fat stores that were meant to support breastfeeding. Knowing this helped me comprehend the physiological changes my body went through during pregnancy. I learned that these changes were natural and necessary. So, as I sipped on my water, replacing what was once my go-to sugary drink, I reminded myself to be kind to my body, for it has done something truly amazing. Embracing this mindset was my first step toward a healthier me. 

Getting Off The Sugar While Breastfeeding:

I've found that sugar cravings are the most difficult to manage when trying to lose weight postpartum. I really struggle with carb and sugar cravings in general, and it seemed like breastfeeding made it way worse! That's partly why I created Milk Dust. Milk Dust offers a sweet, delicious taste with a sugar-craving blend of science-backed nutrients that are used to balance blood sugar and stop sugar cravings. I NEEDED all the help I could get to calm the cravings down, and Milk Dust works really well for me! I still use it after breastfeeding to keep my sugar cravings down. Milk Dust is full of protein, so that makes you feel full, with a sweet taste to give you the satisfaction, and the specific minerals and vitamins like Chromium, Cinnamon Bark, Turmeric and Vitamin B12 (methylated) that are used to help sugar and carb cravings for diabetes. 

I made a 10-Day Sugar Detox that is free, and safe while breastfeeding, so you can get off the sugar while keeping up your milk supply! Definitely grab that to help you! 

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is the cornerstone of a successful postpartum weight loss journey. When I first embarked on shedding the extra pounds after having my new baby, I vividly remember the overwhelming pressure to bounce back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But here's the thing - understanding that our bodies have undergone significant changes, including hormonal shifts and physical stress from childbirth, is crucial. By laying out achievable weight loss goals, I not only safeguarded my mental health but also steered clear of the common pitfall of pushing myself too hard, too soon. This approach helped me stay motivated and patient with the process, recognizing that sustainable weight loss takes time. Remember, setting realistic goals isn't a sign of laxity; it's a strategic move that ensures our wellbeing while we work towards reclaiming our health in a healthy way

Also read: Muscle Up, Mama! How To Build Muscle While Breastfeeding

The Importance of Protein for Post-pregnancy Weight Loss:

Most breastfeeding mamas are loading up on carbs due to cravings and intense hunger. While fruits and veggies as carbs are essential to nourishing mama and baby, starchy, processed and complex carbs can start a viscous cycle of hunger and cravings. Without enough protein in a breastfeeding mother's diet, there will be extreme hunger and cravings. Protein is a more complex nutrient that takes more time to break down. Because it is more difficult to break down, a breastfeeding mom will feel full longer, than if they were to eat pure carbohydrates. In addition, protein takes a bit more energy to break down and digest, meaning you burn more calories eating protein. 

Let's get into how calories are processed, to better understand some major benefits of protein:

Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram. Protein has 4 calories per gram, and Fat has 9 calories per gram. Since protein takes more energy to break down, and is sent directly to hair, skin, nails, muscle and various areas where our bodies need amino acids, it actually has less calories per gram when you consider the metabolic energy required to process it. Carbohydrates are easier to break down, and often send sugar straight to the brain and fiber to the gut. This is easier on the body, and requires less energy. Fat goes to fat cells for storage, unless there is an inadequate amount of calories for the body. Then, the body will convert fat to energy, but the immediate response is to put fat into fat cells (despite a small amount to the brain, breast milk etc - but not as much as you would think).  Not only is protein a fabulous nutrient for weight loss, it also really helps combat cravings that so many breastfeeding moms experience.

How protein attacks sugar and carbohydrate cravings for breastfeeding moms:

Protein is the one nutrient that many moms don't eat enough of. A lack of protein can often come out in sugar cravings, which can be really confusing. Most breastfeeding moms crave carbohydrates, but attempt to stay the healthy route by eating things like oatmeal, whole wheat toast, crackers etc. While many carbohydrates have essential nutrients - and breastfeeding moms need those too - without the additional protein, the body is left needing to signal for protein, even after a larger meal. Even salads can be devoid of enough protein, which can make a new mommy feeling confused on why she is hungry soon after, or craving more sugar after a big salad. Protein triggers the satiation hormone and helps decrease appetite. Plain and simple, and a great study was done on this by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 

A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations... (read more here).

 Basically, keeping protein intake higher is gonna help with weight loss for anyone, including breastfeeding mamas. But, we also know that protein is really helpful for milk supply and lactation as well!


Why Milk Dust is an amazing solution to helping breastfeeding mamas get adequate protein and nourishment, lose weight and keep up their milk supply:

Milk Dust exists to specifically solve the issue of undernourishment for new mommies, help with weight loss and keep up the milk supply. With protein as the center nutrient, there are also additional vitamins, minerals and herbs that are hand-picked to encourage a healthy milk supply. Milk Dust also offers a sweet, delicious taste that satisfies the sugar cravings!

By offering a sweet, decadent protein powder, Milk Dust satisfies the intense need for something sweet, while offering a breastfeeding mama exactly what they need - protein, vitamins and minerals!

We have an in-depth post on exactly what vitamins, minerals and nutrients Milk Dust offers and why, which we highly recommend reading at some point. 

The Role of a Nutrient-Dense Diet

Eating a nutrient-dense diet is essential to losing weight after pregnancy, especially while breastfeeding. The extra nutrients support postpartum healing and help balance blood sugar, insulin and hormones. Navigating the ups and downs of shedding those extra pounds after having my baby, I learned quickly that fueling my body with the right foods made all the difference in my milk supply and my energy levels as a mom.

Number one, I focused on protein at every snack and meal, then I made sure I had something with fiber (a fruit or vegetable) at that meal or snack. That was my main rule for everything I ate. In addition, I had a Milk Dust shake or smoothie every day. This gave me all the essential vitamins and minerals my body needed to recover, produce breast milk and restore my metabolism after pregnancy. 


Lactation Protein Coffee (Proffee) Recipes to Burn the Baby Weight

Foods I Included Daily For Weight Loss While Breastfeeding: 

After welcoming my new baby, jumping back into a fitness regime wasn't the only thing rocking my postpartum world. I knew nourishing my body was just as critical for shedding those extra pounds. I embarked on a journey of healthy eating, which felt like a lifeline amidst the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes. So, here's the scoop for you on the power foods that helped me move the needle on the scale. 

  • Fresh Fruit: I LOVED snacking on berries, grapes and apples. Fruit is amazing for weight loss, and it is a super healthy carbohydrate full of nutrients that your body can use as energy for lactation. It is also super filling on lower calories. 
  • Lean proteins, including Milk Dust protein shakes, hard-boiled eggs and grilled chicken, became my go-to for muscle repair and recovery after I eased into postpartum exercise. 
  • Vegetables, rich in vitamins and minerals, were my everyday heroes, supporting my body’s healing and helping maintain my milk supply without adding extra calories. 

I have a 28-Day Breastfeeding Diet Plan that outlines everything I ate to lose weight during breastfeeding. It has lots of recipes for you, so you don't have to think about anything and just follow the eating plan! 


Integrating these nutritious staples into my diet was instrumental in my post-pregnancy weight loss journey, proving that what we feed our body matters just as much as how we move it. 

Foods to Avoid

Let me dive straight into what I've learned about foods to sidestep during your journey back to your pre-baby physique. First off, it's a good idea to steer clear of sugary drinks and soft drinks. I know, reaching for that can of soda might feel like a much-needed pick-me-up, especially when you're running on fewer hours of sleep than you can count on one hand. But these beverages pack a lot of extra calories and sugar, without filling you up or providing any essential nutrients. 

Another pitfall can be those processed foods that seem so convenient when you're juggling a new baby, lack of sleep, and everything else on your plate. They might save time, but they're often loaded with hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and extra calories that can hinder your postpartum weight loss efforts. Opting for whole, healthy foods instead can make a big difference in how you feel and how you progress towards shedding those extra pounds. 

I've also learned that even things like too much fruit juice, which seems healthy, can contribute to unwanted weight retention. While they come from fruit, these juices are high in sugar and can increase calorie intake without satisfying hunger. It's these small changes in our daily choices that can have a big impact on our health and our journey back to health post-baby. 

Incorporating Physical Activity

After having my little one, I found that incorporating physical activity into my routine was crucial, not just for shedding those extra pounds, but for boosting my mental health too. But before I laced up my sneakers, I knew I had to get the nod from my healthcare provider. It turns out, jumping back into an exercise plan without their approval could do more harm than good, especially postpartum. Once I got the green light, I started with light exercises, gradually building up to more moderate activities. 

I discovered that this approach wasn’t just about losing weight, but also about caring for my body in a healthy and balanced way. Plus, finding time for a bit of physical activity turned out to be a great way to steal a moment for myself, something all of us new moms genuinely need. So, if you’re looking to shed those extra pounds or just aiming to boost your energy levels, remember to consult with your healthc

Types of Exercises

After getting the green light from my healthcare provider, I dove right into a mix of exercises tailored to new moms like me, intent on shedding the extra pounds in a healthy way. I learned quickly the key was variety and listening to my body, ensuring every workout aligned with my postpartum recovery stage. So, I curated a routine that included:

  • Brisk walking: An easy, gentle start that helped me ease into physical activity. It was not only great for my heart but also offered precious 'me time' to clear my mind. 
  • Strength training: Focused on rebuilding my muscle tone, especially around the abdominal area which took a hit after carrying my beautiful baby. I started with light weights, gradually increasing as I grew stronger. 
  • Pelvic floor exercises: Critical for repairing and strengthening my pelvic floor muscles. These exercises became a non-negotiable part of my daily routine, aiding in recovery and preventing future incontinence. 

This is my favorite workout to help get back in shape! Mom Butt 8-Week Workout Plan - eBook


If you are looking for quick tips, that you can get started on right away, these are for you! Not only do they work, they aren't hard and you won't lose your milk supply!

  1. Drink a Milk Dust shake every day.
  2. Replace one meal with your Milk Dust shake or smoothie
  3. Walk 10,000 steps a day (try wearing baby more to help!)
  4. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, not low-calorie foods
  5. Always eat when hungry
  6. Fill your plate with fruits, veggies and protien
  7. Every meal should be high in fiber and protein together