Top Foods To Eat To Increase Milk Supply In One Day

Top Foods To Eat To Increase Milk Supply In One Day

 Hi there, I'm Katie a mom of 4 boys, Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist and Certified Nutrition Coach. I specialize in postpartum and breastfeeding nutrition, and I am a firm believer in the power of nutrition to increase breast milk supply. I've dedicated my career and company to pursuing the best nutrition for breastfeeding mothers to get enough milk for their babies. New moms face so many challenges, and I don't want low milk supply to be one of them. Unfortunately, so many mothers aren't educated as to what specific nutrients they need both postpartum and for lactation, so they resort to eating lots of processed carbs and lactation cookies. These foods can give some short-term increases, but they don't solve the underlying nutrient deficiencies that can cause your milk supply to remain low. If you've met with a lactation consultant, and you know your baby has a good latch, then focusing on nutrition is the best way to increase your milk supply fast. 

And yes, in my experience working with breastfeeding mothers, diet changes can increase your milk supply in one day! For some mamas, it just takes a few tweaks, where others it takes more of a diet overhaul, depending on how you were eating during pregnancy. The key is for new mothers to focus on the fact that your body needs nutrients to produce enough breast milk for baby. The more your body is nourished, the more you can nourish baby. Nothing can replace a healthy diet of lean meats, whole grains like oatmeal, lots and lots of fruits and veggies, and very limited processed foods. Food and nutrition is your medicine, and some of the best foods to boost milk supply are super easy to prepare and eat. 

There are many foods you can eat to increase your milk supply, but there are some superpower foods that can increase your milk supply in one day. I've put all these foods and nutrients in Milk Dust, which only takes one scoop each day to increase your supply, and many mamas find that their supply increases almost immediately after drinking. I'll go over everything I have in Milk Dust, that is proven to increase your milk supply fast. I highly recommend a supplement if you are struggling with a low milk supply because you can get so much more into your body at once. If a protein powder isn't your thing, then I have a full list of other amazing foods that can increase your milk supply overnight! 


The Milk Dust lactation blend consists of these specific ingredients that increase milk supply:

Milk thistle: 

Milk thistle is widely used as a galactagogue, and there is a great study that reports a 32% increase in milk supply after mothers used it for 63 days. "Results:Women orally treated for 63 days with Silymarin showed a clear galactagogue role for the product with an increase of 85.94% of the daily milk production (placebo: +32.09%). No drop out, nor unwanted effects were reported in both groups. Compliance and tolerability were also very good…" This is great news, and shows the power of milk thistle for lactation. This is one of the main ingredients in the lactation blend. 

Organic Red Raspberry Leaf: 

Red raspberry leaf doesn't have as much clinical backing on its own for milk supply specifically, but it is amazing in supporting overall hormonal health in women. In addition. red raspberry leaf when combined with other ingredients like fenugreek are shown to increase milk supply in this study. In addition to the lactation benefits, Vitamin B6, found in red raspberry leaves, is a fighter of all things PMS, including mood changes and irritability. In addition, B6 binds to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, helping regulate these steroid hormones, reducing your risk of cancer. Lactation is a very hormonal-dependent process, so any ingredient that helps balance this process is going to benefit lactation. 

Brewer's Yeast: 

Brewer's yeast is one of the ingredients that has been used for centuries to increase lactation. This means that there are hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence to support its use. The studies illustrate that it is actually the nutritional enhancement brewer's yeast provides that increases milk supply. This is where Milk Dust differs than other lactation drinks, which I will go into, but Milk Dust also targets nutrients that help increase and support lactation as well. This study states, "Although studies in ruminants indicate that brewer's yeast might increase milk supply, the effect is attributed to improved nutrition (increases in vitamin B and chromium) rather than any specific effect on lactation." Overall, with the centuries of use and amazing nutrient qualities, it is an important part of the Milk Dust lactation protein blend. 

Fenugreek seed: 

Fenugreek has both anecdotal and evidence-based studies. This means that subjects reported an increase in milk supply based on their own experience when using fenugreek to increase milk supply. "In a US survey, of 122 mothers who used fenugreek as a galactogogue 43% thought it increased milk supply and 5% thought it decreased their milk supply" (study). In addition, fenugreek was included in an overall study of various herbs to increase lactation. "Shatavari, torbangun, fenugreek, milk thistle, and a Japanese herbal medication were the 5 herbal preparations studied. Five trials found an increase in breast milk production. "(study). My favorite study is this one, that shows fenugreek alone increased milk supply against a placebo. Any studies using a placebo are very helpful becuase the comparison shows the power of the product itself. "The NMA results of 4 studies indicated that consumption of fenugreek significantly increased amount of the produced breast milk [11.11, CI 95% 6.77, 15.46] versus placebo. " This is 4 studies, which shows the power of fenugreek alone, and why it is an essential part of the Milk Dust lactation blend. 

Fennel seed: 

Fennel seed is very similar to fenugreek, and fennel seeds have been shown to increase milk supply both anecdotally and in scientific studies. The International Journal of Pediatrics reports that, "Ten studies were included into review. Five studies showed the fennel alone or in herbal tea can increase breast milk and neonatal anthropometry." 10 studies is a lot, and those studies focused on fennel, showing the power of the ingredient by itself to increase lactation. 


By blending all of these ingredients together, you can harness the power of each of them in slightly smaller doses. This helps mitigate any of the possible side effects, and allows all of them to work together. This is why Milk Dust is so successful in increasing milk supply. It offers the best, most researched ingredients in one blend to really support healthy lactation. Lactation consultants use this, and Milk Dust has been used to help mothers relactate! 

"I am constantly looking for supplements and tools to help my ladies. I ordered your sample pack and tested it for 6 days. I can honestly tell you I loved it, I was really impressed with the smell and taste, your lactation blend is great, the product overall exceed my expectations."

- Michele Hodges Lactation Consultant + Lactation Sation Podcast



The Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is top-rated because it is unique in that it targets very specific nutrient needs in postnatal mothers, that can affect milk supply. Basically, I took it one step further and didn't want to just offer herbs that are shown to increase milk supply, I always wanted to fill the nutrient needs that when not met, can negatively affect lactation. Less protein consumption is linked to less milk production. This is why I wanted to create a protein powder supplement for every breastfeeding mom. The best thing to increase the supply of breast milk is to ensure your diet is full of lean, protein-rich foods mainly from plant-based sources, with small amounts of animal products mixed in. 

Milk Dust offers essential vitamins like vitamin b, vitamin c, folate (l-methylfolate), vitamin e and lots of protein! These are essential vitamins that help balance hormones, blood sugar and ensure your body can produce lots of breast milk. Think of these nutrients as the foundation blocks to a healthy milk supply. Milk Dust has green leafy vegetables like spinach, amazing fruits like blueberries and raspberries, as well as lactogenic foods like organic brown rice protein, chia seed protein, flax seed protein and fenugreek seeds that all have been proven to increase the amount of milk a mother makes. 

Besides Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder, there are some other amazing foods you can start eating right now to increase your milk supply overnight!

Super Foods To Eat Now To Increase Milk Supply Overnight: 


Oatmeal is often recommended as a food that may help increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, several factors contribute to oatmeal's potential to support lactation:

  1. Nutrient Content: Oatmeal is rich in various nutrients that are important for breastfeeding, including iron, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. These nutrients can provide the energy and nourishment needed for milk production.

  2. Galactagogue Properties: Oats contain compounds that are believed to have galactagogue properties, which means they can stimulate the production of breast milk. These compounds may help enhance lactation.

  3. Satiety and Energy: Oatmeal is a filling and satisfying food. It can help you maintain energy levels and feel fuller for longer, which is essential for new mothers who may be experiencing increased energy demands due to breastfeeding.

  4. Oxytocin Release: The warmth and comfort associated with a warm bowl of oatmeal may promote the release of oxytocin, a hormone that plays a crucial role in milk ejection (the process of milk being released from the breast). A relaxed and comfortable mother may have an easier time breastfeeding effectively.

It's important to note that while oatmeal can be a nutritious addition to a breastfeeding mother's diet, it is not a guaranteed solution for every individual. Milk supply can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, breastfeeding frequency, and overall health. For some mothers, oatmeal may make a noticeable difference in milk supply, while for others, its impact may be minimal.

Sweet Potatoes: 

Sweet potatoes are often recommended as a food that may help increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, several factors contribute to sweet potatoes' potential to support lactation:

  1. Nutrient-Rich: Sweet potatoes are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6), minerals (such as potassium and manganese), and dietary fiber. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being, including maintaining energy levels during breastfeeding.

  2. Carbohydrates: Sweet potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy, and breastfeeding mothers require additional energy to support milk production.

  3. Hydration: Sweet potatoes have a relatively high water content, which can contribute to hydration. Staying well-hydrated is essential for milk production, as dehydration can lead to a decrease in milk supply.

  4. Phytonutrients: Sweet potatoes contain various phytonutrients and antioxidants, which can have a positive impact on overall health and potentially support lactation.

  5. Folate: Sweet potatoes are a good source of folate (a form of vitamin B9), which is important for cell division and the production of DNA. This can indirectly support lactation by ensuring the growth and development of mammary tissue.

It's important to note that sweet potatoes, like other foods, are just one part of a balanced diet for breastfeeding mothers. While they may provide some benefits, they should be consumed in conjunction with a variety of nutrient-rich foods to ensure that you are meeting all of your dietary needs during lactation.

Pumpkin Seeds: 

Pumpkin seeds are sometimes suggested as a food that may help increase milk supply in breastfeeding mothers. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, several factors contribute to pumpkin seeds' potential to support lactation:

  1. Nutrient Content: Pumpkin seeds are rich in various nutrients that can be beneficial for both a breastfeeding mother's overall health and milk production. These nutrients include essential vitamins (such as vitamin B6) and minerals (such as magnesium, zinc, and iron).

  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids for brain development in infants. Consuming foods rich in omega-3s may indirectly support lactation by ensuring that your baby gets the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

  3. Protein: Protein is important for tissue repair and growth, and it's needed to produce milk. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein (plant-based protein) which can be beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. I have pumpkin seeds in Milk Dust specifically for this reason! 

  4. Iron: Iron is a crucial nutrient for maintaining energy levels, and breastfeeding can increase a woman's iron requirements. Pumpkin seeds contain iron, which can help prevent fatigue and support overall well-being during lactation.

  5. Zinc: Zinc is important for immune function and overall health. Adequate zinc intake is essential for milk production and may support lactation.

  6. Phytoestrogens: Some seeds, including pumpkin seeds, contain phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds with estrogen-like effects. These compounds may help regulate hormonal balance, which can have a positive impact on lactation.

Leafy Greens:

Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and collard greens, are nutrient-dense foods that can support overall health and well-being and helpful to boost lactation. While they may not directly increase milk supply, they offer several benefits for breastfeeding mothers that can indirectly support the production of breast milk. Here's how leafy greens can be beneficial:

  1. Nutrient-Rich: Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, K, and folate, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for a breastfeeding mother's overall health and can help replenish nutrient stores depleted during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  2. Hydration: Leafy greens have a high water content, which can contribute to your overall hydration. Staying well-hydrated is important for milk production.

  3. Iron: Leafy greens, particularly varieties like spinach and kale, are good sources of iron. Iron is crucial for maintaining energy levels during breastfeeding and preventing fatigue.

  4. Folate: Folate (a form of vitamin B9) is important for cell division and the production of DNA. Leafy greens are a source of folate, which can indirectly support lactation by ensuring the growth and development of mammary tissue.

  5. Fiber: Leafy greens are high in dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and help prevent constipation, a common concern for some breastfeeding mothers.

  6. Antioxidants: Leafy greens contain various antioxidants, which can have a positive impact on overall health and potentially support lactation. 

Lactation Teas: 

Lactation teas are believed to increase milk supply through the inclusion of certain herbs and botanicals that are thought to have galactagogue properties. Galactagogues are substances that may stimulate milk production. While there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these herbs, many mothers report experiencing an increase in milk supply after consuming lactation teas. Here are some of the key ways lactation teas may contribute to increased milk production:

  1. Hormonal Regulation: Some herbs found in lactation teas, such as fenugreek and fennel, are believed to have compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen. Estrogen plays a role in milk production, and these herbs may help regulate hormonal levels, potentially leading to increased milk supply.

  2. Increased Breast Tissue Responsiveness: Certain herbs, like blessed thistle and fenugreek, may stimulate breast tissue, making it more responsive to the hormones involved in milk production. This increased responsiveness can lead to greater milk production.

  3. Improved Milk Ejection: Herbs like anise and fennel may help facilitate milk ejection or let-down reflex, making it easier for milk to flow from the breasts during breastfeeding or pumping. This can result in better milk removal and, subsequently, increased milk supply.

  4. Nutrient Support: Some lactation teas include herbs like alfalfa, which is rich in vitamins and minerals. These nutrients can support overall health and may indirectly support lactation by ensuring the mother's body has the necessary resources for milk production.

  5. Relaxation: The act of drinking a warm cup of lactation tea can be relaxing for some mothers. Reduced stress and increased relaxation can positively impact milk supply, as stress hormones can inhibit the milk let-down reflex.

  6. Increased Hydration: Many lactation teas are made with water, which helps mothers stay well-hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for milk production, and adequate fluid intake can support lactation.

I know lactation teas aren't an actual food, but they offer just as much power as the foods on the list to increase your milk supply. If you are struggling with a low milk supply, and you don't know what to do, try a supplement like Milk Dust that is so easy to drink (it tastes amazing!), and nourishes your body at the same time! I can't tell you how much Milk Dust saved my milk supply with my fourth baby, when I was so busy with 4 little boys, and also trying to lose weight. 

The proper nutrition can help you also drop pounds really easily, so you can lose the extra pregnancy weight, while still keeping up your milk supply. With Milk Dust, you can actually increase your milk supply and still lose weight! I have a few great resources on how to do that!