how to increase metabolism while breastfeeding

How to Boost Your Metabolism While Breastfeeding

A new mom can boost their metabolism while breastfeeding, which will help melt away the extra baby weight without sacrificing any milk supply. The faster your metabolism, the easier it will be to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. New mothers are often nervous about dieting or losing weight while breastfeeding because they can't afford to lose any milk supply. Fortunately there are ways you can increase your metabolism, both through supplements and exercises.

Here are Milk Dust, we focus on providing breastfeeding mamas with high-quality supplements to help with weight loss, while also nourishing the postpartum body for lactation and healing. The truth is, your body can't properly produce enough breast milk if it is lacking in nutrients. Focusing on fixing postnatal depletion and fully nourishing your body with essential nutrients is really important, and the first couple steps to boosting your metabolism postpartum. If you've tried all of our suggestions, and want a supplement to help, the new Milk Dust Metabolism is a wonderful supplement formulated for postpartum mamas to help boost metablism with natural ingredients. Let's get into the science of metabolism and breastfeeding, and then the tips and tricks you need to lose the extra weight with a faster metabolism.

how to boost metabolism while breastfeeding

What science says about metabolism while breastfeeding (the good news!):

Fortunately, recent studies on metabolism and insulin sensitivity in lactating mothers show favorable outcomes in terms of metabolic rate. This specific study looked at metabolism and insulin resistance during lactation specifically in the context of the impact on those at risk for type 2 diabetes. The study found that, "The favorable effects of lactation on maternal cardiometabolic risk factors during the first year postpartum include decreased blood lipids, increased insulin sensitivity, greater weight loss, and fat store mobilization. Overall maternal adaptations during lactation include increased basal metabolic rates and mobilization of fat stores." Basically, in most cases women who are lactating have an increased metabolism, as well as greater fat store mobilization. Breastfeeding mothers should be set up for success when it comes to losing weight postpartum. So what if you aren't losing weight, and finding that you are experiencing weight gain?

Gaining weight during lactation - what does this mean?

If you are gaining weight during lactation, or not losing any weight, there is most likely a nutrient need that is not being met. Further, the study mentions that, "For exclusively lactating women, an additional 400–500 kcal per 24 hours is required for milk production during the first 6 months after delivery. The increased nutrient needs to support lactogenesis (the process of milk synthesis and secretion) are obtained from maternal dietary intake, as well as about 170 kcal per 24 hours that is mobilized from fat stores and/or decreased physical activity." Not only is there an increase in calories burned while producing breast milk, there is also an increase in vitamins and minerals needed to support milk production. Without the correct nutrients, your metabolism will slow down, and your body may actually start storing fat in order to try and save nutrients. Milk Dust protein powder is specifically formulated to combat these nutrient deficiencies that are common during postpartum, as well as reduce sugar cravings and increase energy levels.

If you are experiencing a lag in metabolism, or a stall in weight loss, here are some great ways to increase your metabolism while breastfeeding.

Increase lean protein consumption:

Protein is the building block for lean muscle mass, and the more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. The great thing about increasing your lean protein intake is that you can help keep your body from burning your muscle mass for energy needed. Protien is also an essential nutrient that promotes a healthy milk supply. You can read more in depth on the power of protein for weight loss and milk supply here, but basically science supports a new mother's need for more protein. Protein sources need to be lean when it comes to weight loss. Milk Dust Protein is specifically formulated to offer protein as well as a patent-pending lactation blend that increases milk supply. This formula is unique to any other formulas on the market, and uses the power of nutrition as the building blocks for a healthy milk supply.


Great protein sources for increasing metabolism while breastfeeding:

Milk Dust is the top-rated protein powder for nursing mothers, and we have a great, free smoothie recipe book for all the delicious and amazing lactation smoothies that will help with weight loss and boost your metabolism.

Milk Dust Metabolism:

Milk Dust Metoblism is a new supplement to the Milk Dust family. It focuses on safely supporting your metbolism with simple, clean ingredients. Milk Dust metabolism uses nutrients specifically important to postpartum and lactation, while also adding some to support metabolism

  • Zinc
  • Chromium
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (treats and reduces insulin resistance)
  • Green Tea Leaf (appetite suppressant/energy - good bye breastfeeding hunger!)
  • Berbine HCL which Dr. Child describes as "one of the best supplements you've never heard of." It has positive effects on blood sugar and insulin, as well as extremely beneficial for hormonal pathways, and why it is one of the most important ingredients in Milk Dust Metabolism. The root behind not losing weight postpartum is hormonal imbalance, and Berbine is a key helper in this.
  • Resveratrol: High concentrations are found in grapes, and it is extremely powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer, supports brain function and shown to reduce blood sugar and weight in various studies.

These are the main ingredients in Milk Dust Metabolism which focus on supporting nourishment during the postnatal period, as well as acting as a helping hand for your metabolism and hormones.

Both Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder and Milk Dust Metabolism offer the nutritional support by targeting the increased nutritional needs during lactation and postpartum. When these are combined together, you have a powerful weight loss plan that is far more effective than many of the weight loss programs or trying a crash diet. When taking both Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder and Milk Dust Metabolism, you still need to follow a well-balanced diet plan. It is really important to also get real food nutrients, drink plenty of water, and start increasing physical activity when you are cleared around six weeks postpartum.

Add resistance training:

Resistance training is really important to increasing metabolism. If you are cleared by your doctor for strength training (and most Pilates work is perfect for pre-6-week period!), then you can start adding weights a few times a week. This will increase your activity level, as well as build the lean muscle ass that is essential to metabolism. During the first few months postpartum, there is a lot of muscle loss because it takes time to heal and adjust to having a new baby. Throw in the extra body weight, and it can feel overall uncomfortable to start exercising again. But weight training can start small, with a few body weight movements and light dumbells. Gradually add more exercises and heavier weights as you get into the habit of working out again.

Focus on nutrients not reducing calories:

Reducing calories during breastfeeding can be a terrible idea. Considering that your metabolism is already revved, and your body needs more calories for milk supply, the focus should be on eating the higest quality calories possible. This often leads to a fully nourished mama, on less calories, which allows for safe weight loss. Crash diets and lack of sleep will kill the metabolism in a breastfeeding mother, while eating a full, nutrient-dense and healthy diet will increase your metabolism, provide enough calories and ultimately burn those fat cells.

The best nutrient-dense foods to increase metabolism and promote fat loss:

  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Milk Dust Protein
  • Quinoa
  • Flax seeds
  • Non-fat greek yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Sweet potatoes

Ways to kill your metabolism while breastfeeding:

In additon to increasing your metablism, there are some ways you can completely kill your metabolism while nursing. These include:

  • Losing sleep to fit in a workout (hello burned out adrenal glands!)
  • Focusing on rapid weight loss
  • Trying fad diets (these often eliminate nutrients)
  • Reducing the number of calories too much
  • Increased stress levels

Overall, ensuring that the extra calories a breastfeeding mom needs are all healthy foods is the key to keeping up your metabolism. The best thing is to choose a really high-quality diet filled with the essential vitamins and minerals. But, this isn't always practical and attainable while breastfeeding and caring for a newborn. A great way to boost your metabolism is to use safe supplements like Milk Dust Metabolism and Milk Dust Protein to get in the nutrients you need, while also leveraging herbs and ingredients to support your metabolism.

A supplement is never a replacement for a healthy diet, but they are great additions to support your healthy diet and weight loss goals. It is a good idea to have supplements to ensure the gaps in your diet are filled. Postpartum weight loss is always a long road, rather than a quick fix. Reducing body fat while keeping up your breast milk supply needs to be taken seriously with time and consistency. Drinking plenty of water of course will help, and even a personal trainer could be a great resource to increase your postpartum exercise and boost that metabolism. Overall, if the steps outlined here are too overwhelming, focus on one tip at a time, and allow supplements to help you as you transition into this season of motherhood and health.