lactating mother diet chart

Free Lactating Mother Diet Chart (pdf download!)

As a certified nutrition coach, mom of 4, and Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist, I have had many years of practice losing the baby weight while breastfeeding. I've been helping new mothers lose weight while breastfeeding through nutrition for years now, and there are specific foods, meals and nutrients that help make weight loss so much easier while breastfeeding. I've found that the trick to burning fat after pregnancy, without losing milk supply is all about nutrients. Postnatal mamas need specific nutrients to support lactation, which are more important than eating extra calories while breastfeeding. 

As a new mom, I quickly learned that my diet was no longer just about me; it became the primary source of nutrition for my baby. This realization brought with it the responsibility of understanding which foods would help me produce not just more, but better quality breast milk. It's fascinating yet daunting to think how the food I consume transforms into my baby's first meals. From ensuring I get enough whole grains, essential nutrients, and lean proteins, to understanding the need for a balance of fatty acids in my diet - every bite I take plays an integral role in supporting my baby's development while keeping me healthy. The journey of breastfeeding has truly been an eye-opener to the power of a well-planned diet. 

The Importance of a Balanced Diet

When I started my journey as a new mom, navigating the complexities of breastfeeding, I realized quickly the profound impact my diet had not only on the quality of breast milk but also on my own recovery. A nutritionally rich diet became not just a preference, but a priority. I learned that as a lactating mother, my body required a surplus of specific nutrients to support my baby’s growth and ensure my own health wasn't compromised. Essential nutrients like DHA for developing my baby's nervous system, calcium and vitamin D to strengthen their bones, and iron to support healthy blood cell production. It was a balancing act, ensuring I consumed a variety of whole grains, lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables to cover all nutritional bases. The good news? With every nutritious meal, I was making a healthy choice not just for me, but for my baby too. 

In my experience, many mamas are focused on eating more calories, rather than eating more nutirent-dense foods. The key is to eat more nutrient-dense foods, which will balance hormones and blood sugar, so the body can let go of fat stores. Many times, if breastfeeding mamas are deficient in nutrients, the body stores nutrients in fat cells, and it wants to hold on to those stores to ensure there are enough vitamins and minerals. I put together a great, free pdf diet plan that you can follow, to make losing weight easier, without losing your milk supply. I created Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder to take care of all the nutrients you need while breastfeeding, so you can produce a lot of milk, stop sugar cravings, and enjoy a delicious protein shake! I will go over Milk Dust more below, but there are some great recipes in the breastfeeding diet plan, and I included many of the nutrients I go over to help ensure you can get a huge bang for your buck! Even better, all the nutrients and super foods in Milk Dust (like Chlorella and Spirulina) help increase your energy levels, so you might not need as many cups of coffee to get through the day after a long night of breastfeeding. 

You can download your free lactating mother diet chart here!


Key Nutrients for Lactating Mothers

As I navigate this incredible journey of motherhood, I've learned so much about the importance of nourishment, not just for me but for my baby too. I meticulously crafted a diet chart that not only supports my baby's developmental needs but also replenishes my body. Let's deep dive into the key nutrients that are non-negotiable for any lactating mother. 

  • Calcium: Essential for both our bones and our baby's, I've turned to milk, yoghurt, and cheese, alongside green leafy vegetables. 
  • DHA: To support my baby's brain development, fatty acids from fish like salmon have become my go-to. 
  • Iron: To keep my energy levels from plummeting, lean meats and spinach have been central to my meals. 
  • Vitamin D: I've made sure to catch some morning sunlight and include egg yolks and fatty fish in my diet for that vitamin D boost. 

Safeguarding our health and ensuring our babies get the best start in life begins with these key nutrients. Trust me, it makes all the difference. 

Hydration: The Essence of Milk Production

One mantra I've lived by is "Hydration is the essence of milk production". Believe me, staying hydrated isn't just about quenching your thirst; it's about ensuring your little one gets the best nutrition. I quickly learned that drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily was more than a health tip—it was a necessity for keeping my breast milk flowing. On this adventure, every sip is a step towards nourishing your baby, a simple yet profound act of love. So, I encourage you, fellow moms, to keep that water bottle handy. It's the simplest, yet one of the most impactful ways to support your breastfeeding journey. 

Sample Daily Diet Chart for Breastfeeding Mothers

Embarking on the journey of motherhood, I've realized how crucial a balanced diet is, especially while breastfeeding. It’s almost like curating a special nutritious diet plan that ensures both my baby and I are getting the essential nutrients needed for growth and health. After diving into a world of whole grains, lean meats, and a rainbow of fruits and veggies, I've pieced together what I believe to be the golden pathway to optimal health for us. 

  • Breakfast: Kick off the day with a Milk Dust lactation shake consisting of Milk Dust blended with frozen fruit, spinach and almond milk. Add in a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits for that fibre and vitamin C boost, alongside a glass of milk of choice for your dose of calcium and vitamin D. 
  • Mid-Morning Snack: A chia seed pudding made with almond milk and chia seeds, topped with a banana, and a scoop of peanut butter. It’s my quick fix for folic acid, vitamin B, and healthy fats. 
  • Lunch: Grilled salmon over a bed of mixed leafy greens. Salmon is not just rich in essential fatty acids but also a great source of lean protein. 
  • Afternoon Snack: A handful of almonds and a slice of whole grain bread. Trust me, it helps maintain energy levels whilst providing those nutrient-rich foods. 
  • Dinner: Stir-fried tofu with broccoli and quinoa – a perfect blend of iron-rich foods, protein, and healthy fats. 
  • Before Bed Snack: A cup of low-fat dairy yogurt, our go-to for calcium and a bit of protein to end the day. 

Infusing a variety of foods, sipping through 8-10 glasses of water to stay hydrated, and avoiding high mercury fish and too much caffeine has become my mantra. Recognizing the power of this diet, I believe it's the best way to ensure a healthy future for my baby and me. 


Milk Dust takes the cake for the absolute best and safe option for losing weight after pregnancy. Milk Dust is formulated to help stop sugar cravings while breastfeeding through a specific blood sugar blend. Milk Dust uses high quality, science-backed ingredients proven to help with blood sugar regulation and cravings. The propietary blend consists of minerals like chromium, and other ingredients like cinnamon bark that have all been studied for blood sugar regulation and cravings. 

Chromium, according to numerous sources, "may be effective at improving the body's response to insulin or lowering blood sugar in those with diabetes. What's more, it may help reduce hunger, cravings and binge eating." Chromium is important in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, another important role for achieving an ideal weight. It stimulates a correct balance of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis, so that just the important fats needed for brain function, hormone balance, and cell membrane development are present in the right amounts. This is partly due to chromium aiding insulin’s action on fats and glucose metabolism. This is why chromium is included in the blood sugar blend to help prevent cravings in the best way possible. 

Cinnamon bark is another magical ingredient for decreasing insulin levels. One study showed that consuming 1 gram (g) of cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks reduced fasting blood sugar levels and improved markers of oxidative stress in people with type 2 diabetes. Most mamas don't have diabetes, but the benefits on blood sugar levels still exist. 

L-Methylfolate, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Zinc round out the rest of the blood sugar blend in Milk Dust. These nutrients are really important during lactation and postpartum. Postnatal mamas have higher needs for specific nutrients, and without these, lots of cravings and hunger can result. By filling these nutrient needs, Milk Dust ensures that while breastfeeding, you have the specific nutrients you need to produce a healthy milk supply full of the right nutrients for your baby. 

Following a diet plan is really helpful when you are breastfeeding because it will help you stay accountable to eating nutrient-dense foods that support your milk supply. Make sure to sign up for your free diet plan, the 20% off code, and get started on your journey to getting back in shape and feeling your best after pregnancy. 

Foods to Avoid or Limit

Navigating the nutritional landscape as a new mom, particularly if you're breastfeeding, can feel overwhelming. With the bundle of joy in your arms, you're not just eating for your own health but for your baby's optimal development. It's crucial to recognize that certain foods and beverages might not be your allies during this delicate phase. For instance, alcohol consumption should be avoided as it quickly passes into breast milk and can impact your baby. Similarly, moderating your caffeine intake is advisable since too much can disturb both your and your baby's sleep patterns. Moreover, while fish is a great source of essential nutrients, steering clear of types with high levels of mercury, like king mackerel, is key to preventing potential harm to your baby's developing nervous system. Always remember, making informed choices about your diet is one of the best ways to ensure your baby's health and your own. 

Vegetarian and Vegan Diet Consideration

I've been navigating the vegetarian diet during my breastfeeding journey and believe me, it's entirely possible to get all the good stuff your baby needs from plant sources. The trick? Knowing your essential nutrients and where to find them. For vegan diet enthusiasts like myself, the focus is on whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, and a variety of foods to cover our bases. We're talking about lean proteins from sources like lentils and beans, which are stellar for you and the baby. And instead of fish, I lean into chia seeds and walnuts for those crucial fatty acids. 

Calcium? No worries. Fortified plant milk and almond butter have become my go-tos. Iron's covered with my daily servings of spinach and fortified cereal, while I rely on a trusty vitamin D supplement to round things out. It's this sort of comprehensive guide to nutrient-rich foods that keeps me, and consequently my baby, in the best health possible. The key is a varied diet, plenty of water, and not shying away from dietary supplements when necessary. With these healthy choices, my energy levels have never been better. 

Navigating Dietary Restrictions and Allergies

As someone navigating the choppy waters of dietary restrictions or food allergies while breastfeeding, I understand the challenge of ensuring you're getting all the necessary nutrients for both you and your baby. It's like walking a tightrope, balancing between what's needed and what's off-limits. I can't stress enough the importance of consulting a healthcare professional - be it a lactation consultant, registered dietitian, or your health care provider. They can provide a compass in this confusing journey, guiding you towards a diet plan that accommodates your dietary needs without compromising your or your baby's health. Remember, the variety of foods and nutrient-rich foods you consume play an important role in your postpartum recovery and in maintaining an adequate breast milk supply. So, don't go at it alone; professional guidance is key to navigating this path successfully. 

In Conclusion: The First Step to a Healthy Future

Embarking on the journey of motherhood brings an overwhelming flood of changes, choices, and challenges, especially when it comes to nutrition postpartum. Armed with this diet chart, you, a fantastic new or experienced lactating mother, can confidently nourish both your baby and yourself. Emphasizing a healthy diet rich in whole grains, essential nutrients, lean proteins, and healthy fats ensures that you’re getting those extra calories in the best form. Whether you adhere to a vegetarian diet or indulge in lean meats and fatty acids, making healthy choices is paramount. A prenatal vitamin, hydration, and avoiding foods high in mercury or excessive caffeine are crucial steps. Remember, balancing a variety of foods not only supports your baby’s development and your health but also sets the foundation for your new baby’s future health. Consulting a healthcare professional can tailor these guidelines to fit your unique needs, ensuring both your and your baby’s diet are nutrient-rich. Here’s to your health and a joyful journey with your newborn!