Liquid Gold: Drinks to Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

Liquid Gold: Drinks to Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

I breastfed 4 babies, and with each of them, I was always on the hunt to find the best drinks I could sip on that would also increase my milk supply. Over 10 years ago, with my first, I drank a lot of Mother's Milk Tea, with the fenugreek, and that worked really well for me. Fast-forward to my third and fourth, I created Milk Dust lactation protein powder, so I could blend up a smoothie or shake up some protein that would increase my milk supply as well as help me lose the baby weight. I didn't want to eat a lot of lactation cookies because I wanted to lose the extra weight I gained after my third and fourth baby, and the lactation teas didn't have the extra nutrients and protein I wanted to help me recover from my workouts. I am a certified nutrition coach and Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist, and I couldn't find any protein powders that properly nourished my body and milk supply, and helped me with my sugar cravings! I created Milk Dust as a lactation drink, shake or smoothie that I could use to get fit fast, stop sugar cravings, and keep my milk supply up! 

There are a lot of healthy drinks you can sip on now to increase milk supply. I personally love a protein shake, but I have found that many teas and hydration drinks work well too! Depending on what you like, and what kind of drink you are looking for, I know pretty well which drinks worked to boost my milk supply, and the ones that are healthy and too! There aren't a lot of studies on lactation drinks to prove they work, but every mama is going to respond to various ingredients differently. The good news? Certain drinks can potentially enhance your milk supply, offering a lot of hope that you can produce enough breast milk for your baby, and extra if you need it for going back to work. Between herbal teas known to support lactation and the wonders of coconut water, it seems like nature itself is rooting for us. But it's not just about increasing the quantity; it's crucial for the milk to meet the baby's needs, both in terms of nutrition and hydration. Join me as I dive into the fascinating world of drinks that not only promise to quench your thirst but also work wonders for your breastfeeding journey. 

Understanding Breast Milk Production (+ how to make more milk!)

Through my experience, keeping up your milk supply involves a lot of high-quality nutrients and hydration. I've been able to lose the baby weight 4 times now without sacrificing any milk supply because of my focus on diet and nutrients. Just drinking tea didn't work as well for me as a full protein shake or smoothie, and I believe that is because of all the extra nutrients you get with a protein powder. Protein is more important than you may think for milk supply, and a lot of moms skip the protein and go straight for the lactation cookies. Don't do that! Make sure you get enough protein in first, and that will help your milk supply more than you think! On top of your protein and healthy foods, adding in extra drinks will give you that extra boost of milk production that you may need if you are working on your freezer stash. My diet has had a major impact. Incorporating whole grains, leafy greens, and especially foods rich in b vitamins and fatty acids, transformed my daily meals into fuel for milk production. I have a free, breastfeeding diet plan that you can grab to help you know what to eat and make (basically all my favorite foods for 5 days!), or this full , 28-day breastfeeding diet plan that will really help you get on track with your diet and milk supply. Add in some Milk Dust or lactation tea to those diet plans, and you will be really surprised at how good you feel and how much milk you start making!  


The body Armor drink is really popular for breastfeeding moms. I think that any hydration drink will work just like the Body Armor one, but I did go more in depth on that drink for breastfeeding if you are more curious about how it works! 


Why Does The Body Armour Drink Increase Milk Supply?

Hydration and Breast Milk: 

I can't stress enough the magical role hydration plays when it's about nurturing our little ones. Hydration is more than just drinking water. Hydration also means that your electrolytes are balanced, and you have enough minerals like salt, potassium, magnesium and others to ensure your body can hold onto the hydration. Many moms don't realize a low milk supply can be caused simply by dehydration! I am a huge coffee drinker, and it was really hard for me to keep myself from wanting to drink iced coffee all day, rather than water while breastfeeding! Plus I was so tired! Incorporating drinks like coconut water, which is packed with electrolytes, can significantly aid in enhancing the hydration factor, thus ensuring we have enough milk to meet our baby's needs. Let me tell you, keeping that water bottle handy became my best practice, a simple yet effective step towards ensuring a healthy milk supply. Now, there are a lot of hydration packets and drinks on the market that can really help you meet all your hydration needs! I've tried a lot, and it's important to find a hydration drink that you like! 

I am going to go over some important hydration facts while breastfeeding, but hydration isn't everything! Just staying hydrated wasn't quite enough for me to maintain my milk supply alone, but a big piece of my lactation routine that I would NEVER skip! 

Hydration plays a critical role during lactation, as adequate fluid intake is essential for both maternal health and milk production. Several studies have explored how hydration affects lactating mothers and breastfeeding infants. Here are some key findings from the research:

Increased Fluid Needs During Lactation

  • Breast Milk Composition: Breast milk is composed of about 87% water, which means that lactating mothers need more water to support milk production. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the average milk output in exclusively breastfeeding women was about 750 mL/day during the first 6 months of lactation. This results in increased fluid requirements compared to non-lactating women.
  • Water Intake Recommendations: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) suggests that lactating women increase their daily water intake by about 700 mL above the recommended daily intake for non-pregnant women, resulting in a total of around 3.8 liters/day. This recommendation accounts for the water lost through breast milk.

Electrolyte Balance and Hydration

  • Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium are essential for maintaining fluid balance in the body. A study published in Nutrients suggested that electrolyte balance could play a role in the hydration of lactating mothers, particularly in hot climates or during intense physical activity. It recommended that breastfeeding women who engage in strenuous exercise or live in hot environments ensure adequate intake of electrolytes in addition to water.

Practical Hydration Tips for Lactating Mothers

  • Drink water whenever feeling thirsty.
  • Include hydrating foods like fruits, vegetables, and soups in the diet.
  • Carry a water bottle and take sips frequently throughout the day.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol, which can increase water loss.
  • Monitor urine color (light yellow indicates good hydration).

In summary, adequate hydration is crucial during lactation to support maternal well-being and maintain optimal milk production. While specific hydration needs vary, thirst remains a reliable indicator for most women. However, special considerations may be needed for those in hot climates, exercising regularly, or facing illness.

Herbal Lactation Teas That Help

In addition to staying hydrated, before I had Milk Dust I drank Mother's Milk Tea with fenugreek! My body responded really well to fenugreek for lactation, and it is the most-studied ingredient for increasing milk supply, so a majority of women respond very well to it. There are some women who have the opposite affect from fenugreek, and in that case other teas like Milk Thistle work really well too. I have both Fenugreek and Milk Thistle in Milk Dust, because the largest study I found on galactagogues was on a blend of herbs and ingredients together, for the most milk production. I also included Red Rasbperry Leaf and Fennel in Milk Dust for the lactation blend, and you can find these in herbal teas as well, if you like to drink tea. 


I actually wrote a full post on Mother's Milk Tea, so you can decide if you think it is a good choice for you, and why I think it works so well!

Mother's Milk Tea: Everything You Need To Know


  • Herbal Teas: I discovered that certain herbal teas are not just soothing and relaxing but also beneficial for lactation. Fenugreek tea, for instance, turned out to be a popular choice among new moms like me, aiming to increase their breast milk supply. Its earthy taste took some getting used to, but the potential benefits for boosting milk production made it worth every sip. 
  • Fennel seeds tea became another staple in my daily 

Milk Dust Lactation Protein Drink for Milk Supply: 

Why Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is Like Mother's Milk Tea on Steroids:

Plain and simple, Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is the best for increasing milk supply because it contains a propietary blend of nutrients, herbs and superfoods that are backed by science, research, testimonials and centuries of use for lactation. Milk Dust doesn't just use a lactation blend, but it also targets nutritional gaps and holes that can contribute to a low milk supply. 


Milk Dust provides two propietary lactation blends, one with Fenugreek and one without. Fenugreek is the most researched ingredient for increasing lactation, and has the most scientific studies backing it. The Milk Dust original lactation formula consists of fenugreek. However, there is a small subset of women who can have adverse reactions to fenugreek. Milk Dust also offers a fenugreek-free formula that uses shatavari mushroom as an altnerate ingredient. 


The Milk Dust lactation blend consists of these specific ingredients that increase milk supply:

Milk thistle: 

Milk thistle is widely used as a galactagogue, and there is a great study that reports a 32% increase in milk supply after mothers used it for 63 days. "Results:Women orally treated for 63 days with Silymarin showed a clear galactagogue role for the product with an increase of 85.94% of the daily milk production (placebo: +32.09%). No drop out, nor unwanted effects were reported in both groups. Compliance and tolerability were also very good…" This is great news, and shows the power of milk thistle for lactation. This is one of the main ingredients in the lactation blend. 

Organic Red Raspberry Leaf:

Red raspberry leaf doesn't have as much clinical backing on its own for milk supply specifically, but it is amazing in supporting overall hormonal health in women. In addition. red raspberry leaf when combined with other ingredients like fenugreek are shown to increase milk supply in this study. In addition to the lactation benefits, Vitamin B6, found in red raspberry leaves, is a fighter of all things PMS, including mood changes and irritability. In addition, B6 binds to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, helping regulate these steroid hormones, reducing your risk of cancer. Lactation is a very hormonal-dependent process, so any ingredient that helps balance this process is going to benefit lactation. 

Brewer's Yeast: 

Brewer's yeast is one of the ingredients that has been used for centuries to increase lactation. This means that there are hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence to support its use. The studies illustrate that it is actually the nutritional enhancement brewer's yeast provides that increases milk supply. This is where Milk Dust differs than other lactation drinks, which I will go into, but Milk Dust also targets nutrients that help increase and support lactation as well. This study states, "Although studies in ruminants indicate that brewer's yeast might increase milk supply, the effect is attributed to improved nutrition (increases in vitamin B and chromium) rather than any specific effect on lactation." Overall, with the centuries of use and amazing nutrient qualities, it is an important part of the Milk Dust lactation protein blend. 

Fenugreek seed: 

Fenugreek has both anecdotal and evidence-based studies. This means that subjects reported an increase in milk supply based on their own experience when using fenugreek to increase milk supply. "In a US survey, of 122 mothers who used fenugreek as a galactogogue 43% thought it increased milk supply and 5% thought it decreased their milk supply" (study). In addition, fenugreek was included in an overall study of various herbs to increase lactation. "Shatavari, torbangun, fenugreek, milk thistle, and a Japanese herbal medication were the 5 herbal preparations studied. Five trials found an increase in breast milk production. "(study). My favorite study is this one, that shows fenugreek alone increased milk supply against a placebo. Any studies using a placebo are very helpful becuase the comparison shows the power of the product itself. "The NMA results of 4 studies indicated that consumption of fenugreek significantly increased amount of the produced breast milk [11.11, CI 95% 6.77, 15.46] versus placebo. " This is 4 studies, which shows the power of fenugreek alone, and why it is an essential part of the Milk Dust lactation blend. 

Fennel seed: 

Fennel seed is very similar to fenugreek, and it too has been shown to increase milk supply both anecdotally and in scientific studies. The International Journal of Pediatrics reports that, "Ten studies were included into review. Five studies showed the fennel alone or in herbal tea can increase breast milk and neonatal anthropometry." 10 studies is a lot, and those studies focused on fennel, showing the power of the ingredient by itself to increase lactation. 


By blending all of these ingredients together, you can harness the power of each of them in slightly smaller doses. This helps mitigate any of the possible side effects, and allows all of them to work together. This is why Milk Dust is so successful in increasing milk supply. It offers the best, most researched ingredients in one blend to really support healthy lactation. Lactation consultants use this, and Milk Dust has been used to help mothers relactate! 

"I am constantly looking for supplements and tools to help my ladies. I ordered your sample pack and tested it for 6 days. I can honestly tell you I loved it, I was really impressed with the smell and taste, your lactation blend is great, the product overall exceed my expectations."

- Michele Hodges Lactation Consultant + Lactation Sation Podcast



The Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is top-rated because it is unique in that it targets very specific nutrient needs in postnatal mothers, that can affect milk supply. Basically, I took it one step further and didn't want to just offer herbs that are shown to increase milk supply, I always wanted to fill the nutrient needs that when not met, can negatively affect lactation. A healthy diet is also really important to add to your Milk Dust shakes. The best way to increase your milk supply is to eat a lot of nutrient-dense foods that will provide the proper nutrition from a whole-foods sense, then add in the Milk Dust for the additional, milk-boosting protein and vitamins you need! 


For example, protein consumption is directly related to milk volume in studies. A protein supplement was really important for me when creating a lactation product because many mothers, including myself at the time, were struggling to get in enough protein and limit sugar. With cravings, lack of sleep, and hormonal rollercoasters, not many mothers are craving high-protein foods like eggs and chicken. I wanted a protein powder that provided a sweet, delicious taste, but also offered a lot of protein. This study illustrates the increased need of protein during lactation, and a supplement like Milk Dust to fill those needs in a way that tastes amazing and is convenient. 

Milk Dust mixes really well with a lot milks like oat milk and coconut milk. I like ot blend it with coconut milk and ice for a super creamy shake. You can also mix a scoop in a glass of water, and it still has a great taste and consistency. It all depends on how you like to drink it, but my personal favorite is a shake or smoothie of some kind because they I know I am getting in additional nutrients, vitamins and commplex carbohydrates to help my body make a lot of milk!

Avoiding Certain Drinks

When I started my breastfeeding journey, I was bombarded with so much advice on what to eat and drink to keep up a healthy milk supply for my new baby. Amidst this sea of suggestions, I was specifically warned about certain beverages that could potentially sabotage my efforts. Here's what I learned:

  • Caffeinated beverages: It's easy to lean on a cup of coffee to fight the fatigue that comes with caring for a newborn. However, too much caffeine can lead to dehydration and might affect your baby’s sleep patterns. Limiting my coffee intake was tough, but it made a significant difference. 
  • Sugary drinks: While the immediate energy boost feels necessary, these drinks can lead to crashes and aren’t beneficial for your or your baby's health. Swapping out soda for infused water or coconut water helped me stay hydrated without the sugar overload. 
  • Alcoholic beverages: It’s common knowledge that alcohol should be avoided. If you do decide to indulge, checking with a healthcare provider for safe practices is essential to ensure it doesn’t impact your breast milk supply.