mother's milk tea everything you need to know

Mother's Milk Tea: Everything You Need To Know


What is Mother's Milk Tea?

I used Mother's Milk Tea with my first baby about 11 years ago. I found the the fenugreek worked really well for me, and even though I didn't love the taste, if I added some Stevia and a little milk to it, I could drink it no problem. Because it was my first time breastfeeding, I was nervous I wasn't going to have enoug milk, so I dank a cup of tea probably 2-3 times a day. It worked really well, and Mother's Milk Tea is what turned me on to lactation supplements in general!! I also found myself making protein shakes and drinking the tea, and I really wished I could just have the tea in my protein shake every morning. Fast forward a few years, and I developed Milk Dust Lactation protein powder, which uses a special blend of ingredients including Fenugreek to boost milk supply, while also providing essential nutrients for breastfeeding! 


Mother's Milk Tea is a herbal concoction rooted deeply in traditional European medicine designed specifically to bolster breast milk production. This tea isn't just a bag of herbs;it is a very specific blend that has been used for centuries to support milk supply and is carefully curated to support you on your breastfeeding journey. Encompassing a time-tested formula passed down through generations of women, its organic blend of herbs is crafted not just to nourish, but to celebrate the ancient wisdom of healthy lactation. For me, discovering this tea felt like being let into a secret circle of women, united through centuries by the shared goal of nurturing our babies with nature's best offerings. I found it to work really well, and it was the start of me contemplating how I could make a lactation supplement, specifically a protein powder, that offered the same power as Mother's Milk Tea, but also more for breastfeeding mamas. 


Why Choose Mother's Milk Tea?

Embarking on a breastfeeding journey can be as challenging as it is rewarding, and sometimes, our bodies need a little natural boost to keep up with the demands of our little ones. That's where mother's milk tea comes into play, a traditional European medicine combination designed specifically to support healthy lactation. What makes this herbal tea truly stand out is its time-tested formula, a blend of organic ingredients, mainly Fenugreek, that have been aiding generations of women in enhancing their milk supply. 


What's in Mother's Milk Tea?

Mother's Milk Tea is a popular herbal tea designed to help increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. The tea contains several key ingredients known for their lactation-promoting properties. These ingredients include:

  1. Fennel - Supports digestion and lactation.
  2. Anise - Aids in digestion and helps with milk production.
  3. Coriander - Supports overall health and digestion.
  4. Fenugreek - Known for boosting milk supply.
  5. Blessed Thistle - Traditionally used to support lactation.
  6. Spearmint - Adds flavor and has digestive benefits.
  7. Lemongrass - Provides a refreshing taste and aids in digestion.
  8. Lemon Verbena - Adds a citrusy flavor and promotes relaxation.
  9. Marshmallow Root - Soothes the digestive tract.

These ingredients combine to not only support milk production but also provide digestive benefits and overall wellness for the mother. For the best results, it is recommended to drink 3-5 cups of the tea daily. Some users may experience mild side effects such as gas, diarrhea, or an upset stomach, primarily due to the fenugreek and blessed thistle (Traditional Medicinals) (Pumping Mamas) (Chinese Teas 101).


Fenugreek has been used traditionally to enhance lactation, and several studies have explored its efficacy. Research indicates that fenugreek can increase breast milk production in some women. For instance, a study found that mothers who consumed fenugreek tea experienced a significant boost in milk supply, aiding in infant weight gain (KellyMom) (Parents).

How Mother's Milk Tea Works

I remember stumbling upon mothers milk tea during my own breastfeeding journey, intrigued by its traditional European medicine combination, aimed at enhancing breast milk production. At first, I was skeptical. How could a cup of tea, with its organic blend of herbs, truly impact my lactation? But as I delved deeper, the science and age-old beliefs behind this time-tested formula became apparent. It's fascinating how generations of women have relied on such herbal teas, each ingredient meticulously selected for its role in supporting healthy lactation. The traditional medicinals used in mothers milk tea are not just random picks; they're a carefully curated combination based on centuries-old knowledge passed down through generations. Each sip carries the essence of these traditions, offering a natural boost to milk supply, something I, and many other women, have found invaluable on our breastfeeding journeys. 


Why Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is Like Mother's Milk Tea on Steroids:

Plain and simple, Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is the best for increasing milk supply because it contains a propietary blend of nutrients, herbs and superfoods that are backed by science, research, testimonials and centuries of use for lactation. Milk Dust doesn't just use a lactation blend, but it also targets nutritional gaps and holes that can contribute to a low milk supply. 


Milk Dust provides two propietary lactation blends, one with Fenugreek and one without. Fenugreek is the most researched ingredient for increasing lactation, and has the most scientific studies backing it. The Milk Dust original lactation formula consists of fenugreek. However, there is a small subset of women who can have adverse reactions to fenugreek. Milk Dust also offers a fenugreek-free formula that uses shatavari mushroom as an altnerate ingredient. 


The Milk Dust lactation blend consists of these specific ingredients that increase milk supply:

Milk thistle: 

Milk thistle is widely used as a galactagogue, and there is a great study that reports a 32% increase in milk supply after mothers used it for 63 days. "Results:Women orally treated for 63 days with Silymarin showed a clear galactagogue role for the product with an increase of 85.94% of the daily milk production (placebo: +32.09%). No drop out, nor unwanted effects were reported in both groups. Compliance and tolerability were also very good…" This is great news, and shows the power of milk thistle for lactation. This is one of the main ingredients in the lactation blend. 

Organic Red Raspberry Leaf:

Red raspberry leaf doesn't have as much clinical backing on its own for milk supply specifically, but it is amazing in supporting overall hormonal health in women. In addition. red raspberry leaf when combined with other ingredients like fenugreek are shown to increase milk supply in this study. In addition to the lactation benefits, Vitamin B6, found in red raspberry leaves, is a fighter of all things PMS, including mood changes and irritability. In addition, B6 binds to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, helping regulate these steroid hormones, reducing your risk of cancer. Lactation is a very hormonal-dependent process, so any ingredient that helps balance this process is going to benefit lactation. 

Brewer's Yeast: 

Brewer's yeast is one of the ingredients that has been used for centuries to increase lactation. This means that there are hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence to support its use. The studies illustrate that it is actually the nutritional enhancement brewer's yeast provides that increases milk supply. This is where Milk Dust differs than other lactation drinks, which I will go into, but Milk Dust also targets nutrients that help increase and support lactation as well. This study states, "Although studies in ruminants indicate that brewer's yeast might increase milk supply, the effect is attributed to improved nutrition (increases in vitamin B and chromium) rather than any specific effect on lactation." Overall, with the centuries of use and amazing nutrient qualities, it is an important part of the Milk Dust lactation protein blend. 

Fenugreek seed: 

Fenugreek has both anecdotal and evidence-based studies. This means that subjects reported an increase in milk supply based on their own experience when using fenugreek to increase milk supply. "In a US survey, of 122 mothers who used fenugreek as a galactogogue 43% thought it increased milk supply and 5% thought it decreased their milk supply" (study). In addition, fenugreek was included in an overall study of various herbs to increase lactation. "Shatavari, torbangun, fenugreek, milk thistle, and a Japanese herbal medication were the 5 herbal preparations studied. Five trials found an increase in breast milk production. "(study). My favorite study is this one, that shows fenugreek alone increased milk supply against a placebo. Any studies using a placebo are very helpful becuase the comparison shows the power of the product itself. "The NMA results of 4 studies indicated that consumption of fenugreek significantly increased amount of the produced breast milk [11.11, CI 95% 6.77, 15.46] versus placebo. " This is 4 studies, which shows the power of fenugreek alone, and why it is an essential part of the Milk Dust lactation blend. 

Fennel seed: 

Fennel seed is very similar to fenugreek, and it too has been shown to increase milk supply both anecdotally and in scientific studies. The International Journal of Pediatrics reports that, "Ten studies were included into review. Five studies showed the fennel alone or in herbal tea can increase breast milk and neonatal anthropometry." 10 studies is a lot, and those studies focused on fennel, showing the power of the ingredient by itself to increase lactation. 


By blending all of these ingredients together, you can harness the power of each of them in slightly smaller doses. This helps mitigate any of the possible side effects, and allows all of them to work together. This is why Milk Dust is so successful in increasing milk supply. It offers the best, most researched ingredients in one blend to really support healthy lactation. Lactation consultants use this, and Milk Dust has been used to help mothers relactate! 

"I am constantly looking for supplements and tools to help my ladies. I ordered your sample pack and tested it for 6 days. I can honestly tell you I loved it, I was really impressed with the smell and taste, your lactation blend is great, the product overall exceed my expectations."

- Michele Hodges Lactation Consultant + Lactation Sation Podcast


The Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder is top-rated because it is unique in that it targets very specific nutrient needs in postnatal mothers, that can affect milk supply. Basically, I took it one step further and didn't want to just offer herbs that are shown to increase milk supply, I always wanted to fill the nutrient needs that when not met, can negatively affect lactation. 


For example, protein consumption is directly related to milk volume in studies. A protein supplement was really important for me when creating a lactation product because many mothers, including myself at the time, were struggling to get in enough protein and limit sugar. With cravings, lack of sleep, and hormonal rollercoasters, not many mothers are craving high-protein foods like eggs and chicken. I wanted a protein powder that provided a sweet, delicious taste, but also offered a lot of protein. This study illustrates the increased need of protein during lactation, and a supplement like Milk Dust to fill those needs in a way that tastes amazing and is convenient. 

Choosing The Right Lactation Supplement: 

Whether you choose to drink Mother's Milk Breastfeeding Tea, or go for a protein powder like Milk Dust that can also increase yor milk supply, provide essential nutrients and protein, you will find something that works for you to increase your milk supply, and ensure you are producing enough milk for baby. This is really important for your health and well-being as a breastfeeding mother as well, because you need to support your body in any way you can with nutrients, herbs and superfoods that help with everything!