Should You Be Taking Supplements While Breastfeeding?

Should You Be Taking Supplements While Breastfeeding?

Supplements can increase milk supply, support nutritional health, improve mood and balance hormones in a breastfeeding mama. Many mamas are concerned about the safety of supplements while breastfeeding, and unsure of whether they should take them or not.

Supplements during breastfeeding can be used for a wide variety of reasons:

  • They can increase milk supply
  • Replenish nutrients and vitamins
  • Improve mood and cognitive function
  • Help provide baby with essential nutrients
  • Improve healing after birth
  • Increase energy levels without caffeine

What makes a supplement breastfeeding-friendly?

Not all supplements are safe for breastfeeding. Supplements with chemicals, artificial sweeteners, GMOS, fillers and synthetic vitamins should be avoided. This is because these harmful ingredients can pass through the breast milk to baby, and aren't good for mama either.

Safe supplements for breastfeeding include natural herbs, non-synthetic and active vitamins like the L-Methylfolate (folate) and
Methylcobalamin  (vitamin B12) used in Milk Dust. Using organic fruits and veggies, natural herbs and natural sweeteners are essential for a breastfeeding supplement. If you aren't sure if a supplement is safe, make sure to just ask your doctor quick. Bring the nutrition facts/ label to your doctor at your next visit, or put in a call to the nurse to have them ask the doctor that day. This is the safest way to ensure a supplement is right for you and your baby, based on your medical history.

Reasons you may want to take supplements while breastfeeding:

Low Milk Supply:

If you are suffering a low milk supply (and are positive it is truly a low supply), supplements can be life savers. Herbs like fenugreek and specific milk-boosting blends are an example of good supplements for breastfeeding mamas. These herbs are natural, free of chemicals, and have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Herbs can improve lactation overall, and offer great support for mamas struggling to product enough milk.

Mood Improvement:

breastfeeding supplements for postpartum depression

Supplements can help support vitamin deficiencies that can cause low moods and a lack of energy. Many mamas are low in nutrients after birth because of baby's need during the last month of pregnancy, loss of blood during birth, fatigue and exhaustion, stress and more. Grabbing a supplement to replenish your body promotes overall better function. Specifically, Folate deficiencies have been connected with depression, as well as Vitamin B12 and zinc (which we have in Milk Dust yay!). A nourished body is a happy body, and a happy body helps promote a happy mind! Specifically Iron, Vitamin B12, protein, healthy carbohydrates and Adrenal support are wonderful for improving moods postpartum.

5 Critical Nutritional Needs For Breastfeeding Mamas and Their Babies

Improved Energy Levels:

Nutritional supplements can help balance blood sugar and diminish some of those cravings by giving the body the nutrients it needs. If your blood sugar is spiking and dropping, there will be moments in the day where you feel completely exhausted, have headaches, and just want to go to sleep. By giving your body super foods, like the Chlorella and Spirulina we have in Milk Dust, you are giving your body a nutrient boost, rather than a caffeine boost to help combat the fatigue.

Hormonal Balance:

When our nutrition is out of wack, our hormones get out of wack. Hormonal function is essential to breastfeeding success because of the role they play in triggering lactation. Your body needs your estrogen levels to drop for lactation to occur. If there are nutrient deficiencies, your hormones may not work properly. Additional herbs like Red Raspberry Leaf have been shown to help support hormonal function in women.

Better Healing After Birth:

Nutrients enable your cells to function, and your body to repair itself from the trauma of birthing a baby. Whether you have a C-section or vaginal delivery, your body is going to need to do some repair work. Vitamin C, protein, Iron, B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids...these are all very helpful for healing and repair post pregnancy.

Supplements during breastfeeding can do a lot of good, but they should never replace a healthy, whole foods diet:

Breastfeeding supplements should not replace a whole, natural foods diet. Nothing should be used instead of actually eating fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. Your body needs to chew, digest and absorb most of the nutrients from real food. This is why we suggest combining Milk Dust with fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. You get the best of both worlds in one delicious smoothie.

Milk Dust is an amazing, nutritious supplement that can replace one meal if blended with whole foods.

As a busy, new mommy, eating all the fruits and veggies is hard. Fighting sugar cravings is hard. Prepping healthy meals with toddlers is almost impossible. During these short years of craziness, Milk Dust is here to help you nourish your body and support your lifestyle. We add the extra boost to encourage you, support your breastfeeding journey, and help you thrive with your new baby.

Milk Dust is a safe breastfeeding supplement that acts as a best friend and support system for nourishing both you and baby!