The Truth About Lactation Cookies (I tried them all!)

The Truth About Lactation Cookies (I tried them all!)

Will Lactation Cookies Bring You More Milk?

I've breastfed 4 babies, and I never really got into lactation cookies too much because I didn't want to rely on something so unhealthy to keep my milk supply up. A lot of the lactation cookies in stores are super processed, or full of fat and sugar. Most of the recipes call for lots of butter, sugar and fat, with a little bit of extra lactation ingredients like brewer's yeast and fenugreek. I knew there had to be a way healthier way to increase milk supply, and I was having a lot of success losing the baby weight and keeping up my supply with protein shakes. Protein shakes were the key to keeping my nutrition solid and my milk supply up, while also helping me burn fat and lose the baby weight really quickly. I know a lot of moms love lactation cookies because they taste amazing, usually provide a boost to supply, and are easy to make in large batches. If you aren't concerned about nutrition or weight loss, then definitely go for the lactation cookies! I think they are amazing for a treat every once in a while, or even your evening treat each night, but they aren't the healthiest tool to increase breastmilk supply. The most common ingredients that are added into lactation cookies are ground flaxseed, brewer's yeast (b vitamins), sometimes flaxseed meal, coconut oil (healthy fats), oat flour or oatmeal, maple syrup and usually some chocolate chips! All of these special ingredients are more nutritious than the base of the cookies, unless you can find some cookie recipes that are more focused on nutrition rather than taste (which I will give you some recipes for!)



As a new mom, navigating the breastfeeding journey and producing enough milk is challenging. I know how delicious lactation cookies are, which makes them much more fun than taking a supplement or drinking mother's milk tea. So many mamas swear by lactation cookies, so I know they can work really well, and I will go into why they work, but I also want to make sure you know of alternative options like Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder. 


I used Milk Dust in my lactation protein shakes to increase my milk supply and reduce my sugar cravings, so I could lose the baby weight quickly after my 4th baby. I love a delicious protein shake, and I promise you will find yourself with more energy, less weight and more milk if you switch to protein shakes over lactation cookies! Your supply will increase more with out needing to eat cookies all day, and you won't be compromising your blood sugar levels with the high-fat and high sugar lactation cookies. 

 Make sure to checkout these healthy lactation donuts!

What Makes a Cookie a Lactation Cookie?

I've been on this breastfeeding journey for a while now, and I've heard all about these magical snacks designed to help new moms like me. They're called lactation cookies, and they've been quite the buzz among breastfeeding circles. So, what makes a cookie a lactation cookie? It's all about the special ingredients believed to boost milk supply. Brewer’s yeast, flax seeds, and whole grains stand out as the common heroes in these delicious treats. The idea is that these natural ingredients work together to potentially enhance breastmilk production. From what I've gathered, brewer’s yeast is rich in essential nutrients; flax seeds provide important fatty acids; and whole grains supply the energy we need to keep up with our demanding new roles. It's this blend of healthy ingredients that's said to make these cookies not just tasty, but also beneficial for increasing breast milk supply. 

Lactation cookies are specially formulated to support and potentially enhance breast milk production. They typically include specific ingredients believed to promote lactation, known as galactagogues. Here are the main differences between lactation cookies and regular cookies:

  1. Key Ingredients:

    • Oats: Rich in iron, which can help improve milk supply.
    • Brewer's Yeast: Contains B vitamins and proteins that may boost milk production.
    • Flaxseed: Provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for both the mother and baby.
    • Fenugreek: A commonly used herb that is believed to increase milk supply.
  2. Nutritional Focus:

    • Lactation cookies often emphasize ingredients that provide additional nutrients beneficial for breastfeeding mothers, such as iron, fiber, and healthy fats.
  3. Potential Additives:

    • Some recipes include ingredients like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to increase nutritional value, unlike typical cookies which might focus more on flavor and indulgence.
  4. Reduced Sugar:

    • Lactation cookies might have less sugar compared to regular cookies to promote a healthier option for breastfeeding mothers.
  5. Functional Ingredients:

    • Unlike regular cookies that are primarily for enjoyment, lactation cookies are functional foods aimed at achieving a specific health benefit (i.e., increasing milk supply).

While lactation cookies can be enjoyed by anyone, their specialized ingredients are chosen specifically for their potential to support breastfeeding.

Scientific Evidence: Do They Really Work?

I've always been the kind of person who looks for evidence behind every claim, especially when it comes to something as crucial as nurturing my baby. So, when I heard about lactation cookies being a magic solution to boost breast milk supply, you bet I was on my laptop, diving into any scientific evidence I could find. What intrigued me most was whether these delicious lactation cookies, packed with brewers yeast, flax seeds, and a handful of other healthy ingredients, were truly the key to a bountiful breastmilk production. Despite the rave reviews from countless new moms, the scientific community seems to be on the fence. I stumbled upon a few studies, but a significant randomized controlled trial shining a definitive light on the effectiveness of lactation OS was conspicuously absent. 

The Australian Breastfeeding Association echoes this sentiment, reinforcing the idea that while natural ingredients like brewers yeast might offer essential nutrients to breastfeeding mothers, the direct link to increased breast milk supply isn't conclusively proven. It made me ponder if the success stories circulating in my mom groups were attributed to special ingredients or perhaps a placebo effect? Nonetheless, it was clear that while these cookies could be a delicious and healthy addition to a breastfeeding mom's diet, relying solely on them for a significant milk supply boost might not be scientifically justified. This doesn't deter me from enjoying a batch of homemade, nutrient-rich lactation cookies, but I do so knowing that they are only part of a larger breastfeeding journey, not the magic cure-all some might claim. 

Why You Should Drink Protein Shakes Instead of Eating Lactation Cookies: 


Lactation cookies, brimming with ingredients like brewer’s yeast, flax seeds, and essential nutrients, have become a staple in many breastfeeding mothers' diets. They're believed to boost milk supply and are packed with healthy ingredients, making them an appealing snack for new moms. I've noticed that, for some, just the act of munching on these delicious lactation cookies offers a psychological boost, reinforcing their commitment to their breastfeeding journey. However, diving into the scientific evidence presents a more nuanced view. There's discussion around the placebo effect, with some breastfeeding associations and studies suggesting the effectiveness of these special ingredients in increasing breastmilk production isn't fully proven. Additionally, overconsumption can happen, especially when the cookies are too delicious, possibly leading to unintended weight gain rather than significantly enhancing breast milk supply. 


​Protein Shakes Provide More Nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals That Increase Milk Supply: 

​Protein is an essential nutrient that actually helps increase milk production: 

Protein is an essential nutrient for breastfeeding mothers, providing several benefits for both the mother and the baby:

  1. Support for Milk Production:

    • Protein is crucial for the synthesis of breast milk. Adequate protein intake helps ensure that the body can produce enough high-quality milk to meet the baby's nutritional needs.
  2. Nutrient Supply for the Baby:

    • Breast milk is the primary source of nutrition for infants, providing essential amino acids necessary for the baby's growth, development, and immune function.
  3. Energy Levels and Recovery:

    • Breastfeeding requires significant energy. Protein helps maintain the mother's energy levels and supports tissue repair and recovery after childbirth.
  4. Muscle Maintenance:

    • Adequate protein intake helps maintain muscle mass, which can be particularly important postpartum when the body is recovering and adapting to the demands of breastfeeding.
  5. Immune Support:

    • Protein supports the immune system, which can help protect both the mother and the baby from infections and illnesses.
  6. Hormone Regulation:

    • Proteins play a role in hormone production and regulation, including hormones involved in lactation such as prolactin and oxytocin.
  7. Satiety and Weight Management:

    • Protein can help with satiety, making it easier for breastfeeding mothers to manage their appetite and maintain a healthy weight.
  8. Hydration:

    • Protein intake can help with overall hydration levels, which is important for maintaining milk production. Protein-rich foods often have a high water content, contributing to overall fluid intake.

Including a variety of protein sources in the diet, such as lean meats, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, can help ensure that breastfeeding mothers get the protein they need to support lactation and their overall health.


By making a lactation protein shake with Milk Dust Lactation Protein Powder in particular, it is an amazing way to start your day because Milk Dust is a plant-based protein powder, specifically formulated for breastfeeding mothers with hand-picked nutrients that boost supply, stop sugar cravings and give you energy. 


Each serving of Milk Dust offers 16 grams of protein, and all of this protein comes from natural ingredients. Plant proteins are a safe way to consume extra protein without having to eat a ton of eggs, or even dairy which many people are sensitive to. The best choice when it comes to choosing between safe protein powders. A breasfeeding mom particulalry needs to stick to a breastfeeding protein powder that is free of artificial sweeteners (like Milk Dust), because other protein powders with whey, casein or soy can cause tummy issues in newborns who may have a lactose intolerance. Of all the protein supplements on the market for a breastfeeding mother, Milk Dust has the most comprehensive and diverse vegan protein powder blend. Milk Dust is also tested for heavy metals, and safe for pregnant women (if doctor approved!) These organic ingredients consist of: 

Pea Protein Isolate: 

Pea protein isolate is a clean protein powder source that offers a complete amino acid profile. Pea protein isolate is particularly beneficial for a breastfeeding mama because it is rich in iron, builds and preserves lean muscle, and helps keep you full! I can't tell you how many breastfeeding mamas struggle with hunger, and pea protein is extremely beneficial for satiation. 

Organic Brown Rice Protein: 

Brown rice has many benefits for breastfeeding, and it can actually help increase milk supply. According to Babyment, "It is healthy to eat brown rice while you are breastfeeding. First, It has hormone stimulants which boost lactation. That can help increase the secretion of breast milk. Second, brown rice contains chemical that can prevent postnatal depression." The brown rice protein can help you achieve your healthy milk supply, while also helping you get in the proper nutrition. 

Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein:

Pumpkin seeds are particularly high in zinc, minerals and good fats that are an amazing superfood for lactation. Pumpkin seeds are also high in fiber and protein, which are a great way to feel full and nourished at the same time. 

Organic Chia Seed Protein

Chia seeds are also high in healthy fats, which are important to the quality of your breast milk supply. By offering various seed proteins, there's a wide variety or minerals and healthy fats to increase the nutrient-density of the protein blend. The more nutrients the better for lactation. Chia seeds are iron-rich foods, believed to promote breast milk supply and are also good calcium sources and protein sources along with fats – all of which are essential for breastfeeding mothers. 

Organic Flax Seed Protein: 

Flax seeds are super beneficial for milk supply. They contain phytoestrogens, meaning they have estrogenic properties that can help increase breast milk production. Flax seeds are known for their high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, and other unique plant compounds. Flax seeds have been linked to health benefits, such as improved digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.


This diverse blend of protein provides as much nutrients as possible, while also helping achieve the daily protein intake goal that is helpful for producing milk, feeling full and also losing the baby weight. 


Milk Dust takes the cake for the absolute best and safe option for losing weight after pregnancy. Milk Dust is formulated to help stop sugar cravings while breastfeeding through a specific blood sugar blend. Milk Dust uses high quality, science-backed ingredients proven to help with blood sugar regulation and cravings. The propietary blend consists of minerals like chromium, and other ingredients like cinnamon bark that have all been studied for blood sugar regulation and cravings. 

Chromium, according to numerous sources, "may be effective at improving the body's response to insulin or lowering blood sugar in those with diabetes. What's more, it may help reduce hunger, cravings and binge eating." Chromium is important in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, another important role for achieving an ideal weight. It stimulates a correct balance of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis, so that just the important fats needed for brain function, hormone balance, and cell membrane development are present in the right amounts. This is partly due to chromium aiding insulin’s action on fats and glucose metabolism. This is why chromium is included in the blood sugar blend to help prevent cravings in the best way possible. Sugar cravings often lead to eating extra calories, which is why Milk Dust helps so much with weight loss. 

Cinnamon bark is another magical ingredient for decreasing insulin levels. One study showed that consuming 1 gram (g) of cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks reduced fasting blood sugar levels and improved markers of oxidative stress in people with type 2 diabetes. Most mamas don't have diabetes, but the benefits on blood sugar levels still exist. 

L-Methylfolate, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Zinc round out the rest of the blood sugar blend in Milk Dust. These nutrients are really important during lactation and postpartum. Postnatal mamas have higher needs for specific nutrients, and without these, lots of cravings and hunger can result. By filling these nutrient needs, Milk Dust ensures that while breastfeeding, you have the specific nutrients you need to produce a healthy milk supply full of the right nutrients for your baby. 


I have a lot og reat smoothie recipes that I recommend to combine with Milk Dust, so you can get in additional important nutrients with your protein powder. The more nutrients you can get in the higher your energy levels, and the easier your postpartum weight loss journey will be! Good protein powders are a great tool or even meal replacement that help you reach your daily nutritional goals. It is a really good idea to eat a high protein, balanced diet with whole foods on top of your shakes, so you know you are getting all the nutrients you need to support breastfeeding. From there, you can dial back your macros and calories if needed to make sure you are losing weight. If your calories are coming from Milk Dust and super, nutrient-dense foods, you won't lose your milk supply as you drop fat. 

How to Select the Best Lactation Cookies

When I embarked on my journey to boost my milk supply, I sifted through mountains of advice on selecting the best lactation cookies. I learned it's not just about indulging in delicious cookies; it's crucial they're packed with the right ingredients. Here’s the essence of my findings:

  • Look for natural ingredients: Opt for cookies rich in galactagogues like brewer’s yeast, flax seeds, and whole grains. These special ingredients are believed to aid breastmilk production. 
  • Check the nutritional value: Essential nutrients are crucial for new moms. Ensure the cookies are fortified with vitamins and minerals to support your breastfeeding journey. 
  • Read reviews: Don’t just take my word for it. Look for reviews from other breastfeeding mothers to see which cookies they recommend for boosting breast milk supply. 
  • Be mindful of unhealthy additives: Avoid cookies with excessive sugar, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Healthy ingredients contribute to both your well-being and your baby’s. 





DIY or Buy: Making Your Own Lactation Cookies

I've been on the hunt for the best lactation cookies to help with my breastfeeding journey, delving into whether DIY lactation cookies are the way to go or if buying them is a better choice. Making lactation cookies at home allows me to control the quality of ingredients, ensuring they're packed with essential nutrients like brewer’s yeast, flax seeds, and whole grains – all reputed to boost milk supply. Plus, it's undeniably cost-effective compared to store-bought options. But, what really convinced me to give homemade a shot was the ability to tweak recipes to my liking, ensuring delicious lactation cookies that are not just healthy but tailored to my taste. I found a treasure trove of tried and tested recipes with raving reviews from breastfeeding mothers on sites recommended by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, offering the perfect blend of nutritional value and taste satisfaction.