after pregnancy weight loss drink

The Best Protein Weight Loss Drink After Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is completely normal, and it is also completely normal to want to lose the extra weight, and go back to your pre-pregnancy weight. The best way to lose weight after pregnancy, even while breastfeeding, is to focus on nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods. Protein shakes are amazing drinks to help with weight loss after pregnancy. A protein shake could be considered a weight loss drink, but more importantly, it is a nourishing drink that gives your body the nutrients it needs to let go of fat, balance hormones and stabalize insulin after birth. Milk Dust is specifically formulated to nourish new mothers with the nutrients they need most for postpartum healing and milk supply. Protein in particular is a nutrient that is very powerful for repairing cells, maintaining milk supply and supporting a faster metabolism.

How protein drinks help with weight loss post-pregnancy:

Protein in particular is especially powerful because it takes extra energy for your body to break down. Diets low in protein are also linked to increased sugar and carbohydrate cravings, which can quicky become intolerable and out of control. Protein is essential for postpartum weight loss also because it is very helpful for milk supply when breastfeeding. Diets low in protein have been linked to lower milk supply, so keeping up with protein benefits more than just your metabolic rate. Protein drinks are especially helpful because they are fast and healthy ways to get more protein into your diet. Typically, they come in amazing flavors, are full of protein, and they are super easy for busy, breastfeeding mamas to carry with them or make one-handed.

Make sure to read: How To Boost Your Metabolism While Breastfeeding

Why Milk Dust outshines other protein drinks for weight loss after pregnancy:

Milk Dust is particularly special compated to other protein powders on the market because it is specifically formulated for postpartum and lactating mothers. This means that it offers all the nutrients needed for postpartum recovery, as well as amazing, milk-boosting herbs and nutrients for a healthy breast milk supply. In addition, Milk Dust has a propietary sugar-craving blend that targets sugar cravings. It balances blood sugar and offers essential minerals like Chromium that have been scientifically proven to help lower blood sugar and balance insulin. When blood sugar is balanced, and your body is nourished, sugar cravings magically dissapear (grab our free, 10-day sugar detox plan too!) This helps you get back to your pre-baby body the healthy way. Drinking a protein shake like Milk Dust is just one of the small changes you can make for an overall healthy lifestyle, that also gets you to your weight loss goals.

We have a great post comparing Milk Dust to competitors here. This goes over more details of the formulation, quality and ingredients put into Milk Dust.

Benefits of a weight loss drink for weight loss after pregnancy:

There are many benefits to using a weight loss drink to lose the baby weight. The most important thing is that the weight loss drink is full of protein and nutrients for your body during postpartum and lactation. From there, you have a great list of benefits:

  • Protein is easily absorbed in a drink form
  • Nutrients are often added in a form that is highly available and easy to digest for the body
  • They are low in sugar and chemicals (replacing sugary drinks!)
  • They are lower in calories, yet filling (reducing extra calories!)
  • They are quick and easy to make, often only needing water to mix
  • You can use them as meal replacements when blended as a smoothie for even more benefits
  • You can add them to coffee to make your coffee even better for you
  • Many are allergy friendly for mama and baby
  • They should be non-GMO with no artificial sugars or chemicals

Protein shakes are wonderful weight loss drinks to help lose the additional weight. especially when they are high quality. You want to make sure there are as many nutrients as possible in your drink, so you know you are filling those nutrient gaps that are created after birth and during lactation.


Factors that impact post-pregnancy weight loss:

Those extra pounds that you put on during pregnancy are still hanging around even after you give birth to the baby. They should call it breastfeeding weight. One of the primary reasons that a woman puts on extra weight during pregnancy is that the stored fat helps fuel milk production. Weight loss is a very popular benefit of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding burns calories. Depending on how much milk you produce, it can burn close to 1000 calories a day. It’s not a magic wand, though. There are things a woman can do to help or hinder the weight loss process.

It’s wise to remember that every woman is different. How quickly a mom loses baby weight is affected by:

  • How much weight she gained during her pregnancy
  • Her diet
  • Her level of physical activity
  • Metabolism (read this NOW if you think your metabolism has slowed down!)

The good news is that a woman has control over all of these. The most important factor is diet. Your diet is going to be the driving factor to your weight loss success.

What is a good diet for weight loss after pregnancy?:

Milk Dust is an amazing supplement to help mamas properly nourish their body for weight loss and milk supply. The body will not want to let go of weight, if it thinks it isn't getting enough nutrients. Without the proper nurtrients, the lactation process doesn't always work as well. Nutrients are the foundation of how your body's hormones function, and hormones are the key to successful lactation. Eating nutrient-dense is a great way to naturally reduce your caloric intake, while still getting enough calories and nutrients to support lactation. By cleaning up your diet, you can reduce your calories, yet consume more nutrients. This will allow extra fat to be used as fuel, and your hormone levels to be balanced and function properly. 


What should you eat when taking a weight loss drink for post-pregnancy?

You might be wondering exactly what to eat when you start using a drink like a protein shake for weight loss after pregnancy. This is a great question, and the key is to ensure the rest of your plan is a well-balanced diet focused on fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, lots of protein and clean, nutrient-dense complex carbs. Here is a great list of foods that are really important to proper nutrition while breastfeeding:

Healthy eating is the secret sauce to losing weight while breastfeeding. Calories do matter, but nutrients matter even more. Here are some very important, nutrient-dense foods that will help with weight loss as a nursing mama.

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Apples
  • Spinach
  • Quinoa
  • Beans
  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Oatmeal
  • Milk Dust (protein powder)
  • Whole grains like sprouted wheat bread
  • Healthy fats like avocados, fish and nuts

Eating healthy food is the foundation of safe weight loss during the postpartum period. But, eating just the right foods isn't always enough for weight management. Because milk production is important, hormones are fluctuating and metabolism is suffering, supplements are key to help weight loss efforts. For example, a milk supply boosting supplement like Milk Dust is extremely helpful. It offers amazing superfoods and ingredients that have been used for centuries to support lactation, as well as hand-picked nutrients to support lactation and postpartum healing. Supplements like Milk Dust aren't just something to make weight loss easier. They provide your body with the help it needs.

Skinny and Milk-Boosting Lactation Smoothie Recipes That Work!

What Are Realistic Weight Loss Expectations After Pregnancy?

It’s important to remember that it took nine months to gain all that weight. It’s going to take some time to lose it. Rapid weight loss goals tend to lead to frustration, and dropping too many calories. Realistic goals that focus on nutrients and the health benefits of each food will give the best results that keep you at a healthy weight much longer. Slow and steady wins the weight-loss race. It is a cliché, but one that is true. Reducing calorie intake by about 500 calories per day will result in losing about 1 pound per week without resulting in decreased milk production. Research has shown that the combination of diet and exercise is the most effective way to lose pregnancy weight. Your body will be different after having a baby. Your clothes may fit differently, even when you get back to your pre-pregnant weight.

How to Maintain Milk Production During Weight Loss After Pregnancy:

A common concern many moms have is maintaining their milk supply while losing weight. It's best to wait until your milk supply is established before starting your weight loss program. For most moms, this will be at 6-8 weeks. Although cutting more than 500 calories a day will speed up weight loss, it is not advised. Severe calorie restrictions can affect milk supply. This is especially true when the calorie-cutting is sudden. Not eating enough also can contribute to fatigue in a nursing mom. Who needs that? Most new moms already struggle with getting enough sleep. These tips will help ensure continued abundant milk production as well as weight loss and good energy levels.

  • Use milk-supply boosters like Milk Dust (code: LACTATION for 10% off)
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods 80% of the time
  • Keep up on feedings with baby
  • Wear baby skin to skin as often as possible
  • Keep physical activity light to start (walking, lower-impact Pilates)
  • Try to get enough sleep
  • Don't focus on getting enough calories, but rather enough nutrients

Lactation is one of the biggest road blocks to getting to your pre-baby weight. There is another hidden cause to weight gain, and slow weight loss. This is due to your metabolism strugging. Healthy choices, whole foods and the right calorie intake can all be useless if your metabolism is in need of help.

Tips for a Healthy Diet After Pregnancy:

  • Food prep once a week.

  • Slice up your favorite veggies and put them in reusable containers or plastic bags.

  • Find a friend to do this with to make it go faster. Or at least it might seem to go more quickly. It will definitely be more fun.If you have more money than time you can buy a lot of fruits and veggies already cut up. Nursing moms get hungry.

Strategically locate healthy snacks:

  • At your breastfeeding station
  • In your breastfeeding basket
  • In your purse
  • In your diaper bag
  • In your car
  • At your bedside

Ten healthy snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated:

  • Milk Dust Bars - Lactation Protein Bars to boost milk supply, cut sugar cravings and nourish mamas!
  • Nuts
  • Jerky
  • Bars
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Nut butter packets
  • Popcorn
  • Dried fruit
  • Seaweed snacks
  • Baked veggie chips
  • Fruit leather
  • Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein. This is essential for maintaining energy levels. Protein also helps boost metabolism (Source).
  • Eat high-fiber foods
  • Oats
  • Vegetables
  • Lentils
  • Raspberries
  • Popcorn

Start your day off with a breakfast smoothie made with oatmeal, flax, and some green veggies like spinach or kale. It will give you energy and fiber. Using a protein powder like Milk Dust helps support milk production. These power-packed drinks aren't just for breakfast. Having a smoothie for lunch is a great option for busy moms.

Hydration for Weight Loss Post-Pregnancy

It is essential to keep well hydrated. It helps you make milk. It also helps your body function properly. And drinking one liter of water a day is associated with weight loss. One of the best tips for breastfeeding moms is to fill several water bottles every morning and place them around the house wherever you might be. Since you will often be holding your baby, this gives you one less thing to try to juggle. Put one in the car and one in your diaper bag and one in your purse.Protein shakes also help increase liquid intake because you can mix them with water!

Exercise and Weight Loss After Pregnancy:

Start exercising once you are cleared by your health care provider. Exercising, in combination with dieting, will help shed those pregnancy pounds. Choosing an exercise program that involves resistance training as well as aerobic activity is beneficial in not only helping you lose weight. It has also been shown to slow bone loss when a woman is breastfeeding. A study dispelled the belief that babies didn't like the taste of their mom's milk after exercise. With a plan and patience, you'll be rocking a post-baby body before you know it.

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